Country Village Homeowners Association

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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

September 2012 Board Minutes

Minutes – September 12, 2016

Attendees:                      Sharon Eichmann, Max Roe, Betty Shaw, Jane Stevenson
Absent:                            John Hedge
PSG:                                  Larry Edwards, Susan Keene
Homeowners Present:  Veronica Coleman, Steve Linson, and Kathy Messer

The meeting was called to order at 6:45 pm at the Harrison by Board President, Max Roe.  

Jane Stevenson read the minutes from the August Meeting.  Sharon Eichmann motioned to accept as read and Betty Shaw 2nd the motion.

Susan Keene reviewed the financials.   Jane Stevenson motioned to accept financial information as presented and was seconded by Betty Shaw.  Susan Keene apologized that the financials are not current on the web site and will get them brought current this week.  She also reported there have been some inquiry asking what percentage of the HOA fee is designated to the reserve account.  FHA requires 10%.  Country Village is not FHA approved.  The board has discussed this and there is too much cost associated to being FHA approved and the process and cost is annual.  The percentage of the HOA fee applied to the reserve is 7%. 

Susan also presented a recommended budget for 2017.  After a review, it was decided that legal fees be reduced back to our usual $3,000.00 from a proposed budget of $9,000.00 and place the $6,000.00 where needed.  Several other line items had been increased such as tree work, seeding, concrete, vegetation and decking.  The budget will be reviewed at the annual meeting.  Homeowners should plan for an increase of the HOA fee for 2017 to $160.00.

A Newsletter from the board will be going out to address new Indiana Code governing elections and proxy voting.  Additionally, information will be included detailing information for trash collection.  Please note this is an authorized newsletter from your board of directors.

During the executive session, the board voted to not conduct a meeting in October as the Budget work has been completed.

Mark your calendar for November 14th, 2016 for the Annual Meeting.  Location to be determined.

This concluded the general meeting at 8:00, Max thanked those homeowners present for their interest and attendance.

No further business, Max Roe called for a motion to adjourn.  Jane Motioned and Betty 2nd the motion

Jane Stevenson, Recording Secretary
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