BOARD: Max Roe, Betty
Shaw, Sharon Eichmann, Roni Coleman, Steve Fulkerson
Edwards, Susan Keene
The Country Village Board met on June 8, 2015, at The
Harrison. The May financials and
Accounts Receivables were reviewed.
The Board recertified PSG as the representative for
financials and banking, according to Article 6 of the By-Laws by a vote of 3-1. Roni Coleman pointed out that Article 6 seems
to go against all areas of the documents, especially with regard to the duties
of the treasurer. Larry Edwards will ask
the attorney, Scott Tanner, for a written explanation. Mr. Tanner replied that the Board was
The Board approved the newsletter for distribution. One additional item will be the new Board
times. On the second Monday of each month the Board meets. The open portion of the meeting where all
homeowners are invited will be from 6:45 pm-7:45 pm. The Board will meet in executive session from
7:45-8:45. Minutes from the executive
session (excluding any confidential collection info) will be posted to the
Country Village website.
The Board asked that Isaac Batista be added to the Tree
Removal bids for next year.
The meeting was adjourned.
Judy Vance, Loma Chan, Karen Crowe, Jim and Margaret Vernon
Loma Chan asked that financials be added to the web
page. Management was not sure if that
information should be on the internet.
Loma showed the type of financials that is approved by Roberts Rules of
Order. The Board thought this
information would be appropriate. After
the Board approves the financials, the info will be placed on the website.