Country Village Homeowners Association

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Thursday, June 30, 2016

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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

May 2016 Board Minutes

Minutes – May 9, 2016

Attendees:                      Sharon Eichmann, Max Roe, Betty Shaw, Jane Stevenson
Absent:                            John Hedge
PSG:                                  Larry Edwards, Susan Keene
Homeowners Present:  Veronica Coleman, Jim and Margaret Vernon, Karen Crowe
                                          Loma Chan, Kathy Messer, Jay and June Burnett, Judy Vance

The meeting was called to order at 6:45 pm at the Harrison by Board President, Max Roe.  

Minutes were reviewed.  Correction made for spelling of John Hedge’s name.  Sharon Eichmann motioned to accept and Betty Shaw seconded motion to accept minutes as read.

Susan Keene reviewed the financials.   Considerable discussion regarding the fact homeowners were not privileged to review the financial information in detail, only the board saw the invoices and bills.  They wanted to see what we were hiding.  Jim Vernon spoke in favor of the board stating that his vote for the sitting board was in trust that the board would perform their duties in the best interest of the homeowners.   It was requested that the detailed information be posted on the web page for all to see.  A motion was made by Jane Stevenson to allow the board to further discuss this matter during the executive session.  Sharon Eichmann seconded the motion.

During the discussion of financials, a petition was presented to board Secretary Jane Stevenson. 

Action petitioned for: 1) restore a level of homeowners' authority removed by the Board through its January 11, 2016 bylaws approval that did not include homeowners' commentsThe homeowners will develop a recommendation to amend certain sections of the By-Laws for submission to the Board of Directors,

2) remove two directors in order to be in compliance with our governing documents during the November 9, 2015 election.

President Max Roe asked if any of the homeowners present is responsible for and would take ownership of a newsletter and or web page being distributed.  None of those present were willing to comment.  Further comment made by Mr. Roe is the fact it seemed odd that the newsletter was distributed shortly following the monthly board meeting and that publisher seemed privy to information from the board meeting.  At this point Homeowner Kathy Messer spoke up and stated she has attempted to make a comment on the web page but was unwilling to provide the detailed information required to leave such a comment when she, Kathy, did not know who was getting this personal information.  Jane Stevenson made the same comment.

Tree bids were reviewed.  It is still uncertain as to what work will be performed.

This concluded the general meeting at 8:00pm, Max thanked those homeowners present for their interest and attendance.

Mark your calendar for November 14th, 2016 for the Annual Meeting.  Location to be determined.