Country Village Homeowners Association

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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

2017 Anuual Meeting Minutes

Annual Meeting Minutes
November 13, 2017

The annual meeting of the Country Village Homeowners Association was called to order at 7:05 pm by presiding President Max Roe.   Max Roe introduced the board members.

Jane Stevenson read the minutes from the November 14, 2016 annual meeting.  Sharon Eichmann motioned to accept the minutes, Betty Shaw seconded the motion, motion was approved by members present.

Susan Keene, on behalf of John Hedge, reviewed the Year to Date expenses through October 2017.  Max Roe called for a motion to accept.  Jane Stevenson moved to accept financials as read, seconded by Kathy Messer.

The next order of business was the review the 2018 Budget.  There are minimal changes, just a slight reallocation of funds.  There will not be any increase in the Monthly Homeowners Fee for 2018.   Veronica Coleman initiated a Point of Information during the discussion of the financials.

Veronica Coleman did not want to accept the proposed budget until the December Board meeting as she had questions, but she was not prepared to ask the questions at this time.  Max stated there would not be a December Board Meeting, there never has been a December Board Meeting.  As there are no changes that affect members, the budget does not need a vote.

No quorum was established by attendees and or by proxy.   No nominations from members for the two open seats on the board.  Therefore, Max Roe and Sharon Eichmann will remain on the board for another term.  

Doggie Waste Station, Jane Stevenson has done some research on doggie waste stations.  This was discussed among the members and it appears it is desired that we try installing these in the community to assist with the doggie waste issue.  More research is needed and will be done.  This matter will be addressed again in January 2018.

Jane Stevenson thanked the vehicle owners that were parking at the entrance of Piney Wood Court.  She had prepared a note and placed it on the vehicles asking the owners to consider their neighbors request and not park there as it restricts access and emergency vehicles would not be able to access.  She stated that within 24 hours of the posted notice, both vehicles had been removed.

No other business was brought to the floor, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Recording Secretary, Jane Stevenson

2018 Board Members are:

Max Roe      Betty Shaw     Sharon Eichmann    John Hedge         Jane Stevenson
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