Minutes – July 9, 2018
Attendees: Sharon
Eichmann, Max Roe, Betty Shaw, Jane Stevenson,
John Hedge
PSG: Larry
Edwards, Susan Keene
Homeowners: Kathy Messer, Jim
Vernon, Steve Linson, Veronica Coleman
The meeting was
called to order at 7:00 pm by Max Roe.
Financials were
presented by Susan Keene. Jane Stevenson
asked a couple of questions. Invoice
CV18-0604 does not document the property that was being serviced by PSG. Susan stated it was not provided. This
needs to be corrected. Invoice
CV18-0624 lists two properties, 212 and 214 Andrews. These are not CV properties. Susan
will investigate. Max Roe asked
about Gutter issues at 3159 Stillmeadow.
Larry reported a gutter company was contacted to investigate and make
repairs. Item is resolved. No further questions, Sharon Eichmann made a
motion to accept, Betty Shaw Seconded the motions. So Moved.
Issues with noise
at 7932 Sunfield. Homeowners are
directed to contact the Mayors Action Line to report this issue. Seems work is being done in a garage starting
after dark and going on for several hours.
This is in violation of noise ordinances for Marion County.
Larry reported
that buildings are being prepared for painting.
Jane asked if we
will be working on Budget for 2019 at the September Meeting. Susan stated she did not see any
increases. This led to a discussion
regarding the numerous occurrences and cost of the trash pick ups throughout
the community and the dump fees. We are
close to the budgeted amount. Susan and
Larry both pointed out this is the busiest time of the year with buildings
being prepared for painting. Did not see
it was on-going. Jane then stated that
the mowing crew did not seem to be living up to the contract. There was much discussion at which time Larry
agreed to contact the company and express our concerns. This is a one-year contract so we may be
looking for a new lawn service.
No further
business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.
Next meeting will
be held on September 10, 2018 at 7:00 pm at the Harrision.
Jane Stevenson,
Recording Secretary