Country Village Homeowners Association

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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

November 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes

Annual Meeting
Minutes – November 12, 2018

Attendees:                      Sharon Eichmann, Max Roe, Betty Shaw, Jane Stevenson
PSG:                                  Larry Edwards, Susan Keene

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Max Roe.

Presiding President, Max Roe introduce the board member, Sharon Eichmann, Jane Stevenson and Betty Shaw.  John Hedge is ill and not present.

Jane Stevenson, Secretary, read the minutes from the November 13, 2017 annual meeting. 
Max Roe asked if there were any comments or questions to the Secretaries report.  None were noted.  Homeowner Barbara Kaiser motioned to accept the minutes as read, Kendra Meeks seconded the motion.  Motion was approved by members present.

Jane Stevenson read the Treasurer’s on behalf of John Hedge,

Total Assets:                            Checking account    $41,440.70
                                                   Savings Account      $50.12
                                                   Reserve                     $47,780.24
                                                   Maintenance Fees  $900.21
                                                          TOTAL                  $90,171.27

Capital:                                     Net Worth                  $76,243.44
                                                   YTD Income               $13,927.83
                                                           TOTAL                 $90,171.27

No one presented their name to run for the board.  Jane Stevenson and John Hedge have served for 3 years and their positions were up for election.  Both have agreed to remain as board members as there was no opposition.

The Budget for 2019 does not necessitate an increase in the monthly fee of $160.00.  Therefore, no vote is needed.  There will be 4 buildings for repair and painting in 2019.  Also, a new lawn services will be taking over in 2019.  There will be a newsletter out the first of the year and specifics about both will be in the newsletter.

Questions were raised about tree work.  Max indicated there are several trees that need to be removed as they are causing considerable damage to concrete surfaces. 

Leaves will hopefully be cleaned up before Thanksgiving.

Doggie Waste Stations that were discussed at the last annual meeting were further investigated and the board evaluated in January.  It was decided that the installation of waste stations was not practical.  You can’t make people take responsibility.

Max Welcomed new Homeowners Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Stillmeadow.

No further questions or comments were made.  Jane Stevenson motioned to adjourn and Sharon Eichmann seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.
Jane Stevenson, Recording Secretary
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