Country Village Homeowners Association

Latest News

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

July 2019 Financials



   Indiana Members CU Checking

   Indiana Members CU Savings


     Indiana Members CU Money Market  $58,751.43


     Maintenance Fees



   Net Worth

   YTD Income


Outstanding Checks:

1348 Yard Greetings



   Indiana Members CU Checking

   Indiana Members CU Savings


     Indiana Members CU Money Market  $58,751.43


     Maintenance Fees



   Net Worth

   YTD Income


Outstanding Checks:

1348 Yard Greetings

July 2019 Board Minutes

Minutes - July 8, 2019

Board members present:
Max Roe, Betty Shaw, Sharon Eichmann, Steve Linson
Board member absent:
John Hedge

Representing management:
Larry Edwards, Susan Keene

Homeowners present:
James Vernon, Kathy Messer, Veronica Coleman
Meeting was called to order by Max Roe at 7:00pm.

Max Roe opened the meeting by asking if there were any community concerns to be brought to the Boards attention.
Jim Vernon commented on how pleased he was on the painting of his building. Stating that the painters were very thorough and conscientious.

Discussion was held on painting/staining deck flooring. Where applicable, it was decided to use a oil based stain on deck floors.

Report was given on the community :Peeping Tom". Betty Shaw has been in contact with the West District IMPD. "Tom" has been captured on video numerous times.

Fireworks usage was discussed. The Homeowners Association has no authority over fireworks. There is a City Ordinance about the time frame when fireworks can be used over the holidays.

Mailbox curb painting has started. Recommendation was made to make sure the painted curbs are 15 feet on each side of the mailboxes where applicable.

Parking was discussed. Still a problem on Stillmeadow Drive and Sunfield Court. Larry will provide violation stickers for parking infractions.

Financials for June 2019 were presented by Susan Keene. Motion was made by Betty Shaw and seconded by Sharon Eichmann to accept the financial report. Although there are several deadbeats in the community and needless legal expenses incurred, Country Village is doing well financially.

Open session adjourned at 7:42 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Max Roe

Next Board meeting is scheduled for September 9, 2019 in the theatre room of the Harrison.