Country Village Homeowners Association

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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Country Village November 2016 Anuual Meeting Minutes

Annual Meeting Minutes
November 14, 2016

The annual meeting of the Country Village Homeowners Association was called to order at 7:04 by presiding President Max Roe.

No quorum was established by attendees and or by proxy forms, therefore no ballots will be needed.  Betty Shaw will remain on the board for another term.  The budget distributed with the proxy form will be the 2017 budget.   And lastly, the HOA monthly maintenance fee will increase to $160.00 per month effective January 1, 2017

Max Roe ask for the reading of the Minutes from the November 2015 Annual Meeting.  Minutes were read by Secretary, Jane Stevenson and accepted by homeowners present.

Max then called for John Hedge to review the current expenses through October 2016.  Mr. Hedge discussed the expenses as well as receivables.  Financials were approved by members present.

Floor was opened for discussion.  Several questions were asked regarding any past due accounts.  These were discussed while maintaining confidentiality.  It was stated that several had been submitted to the attorney for collections. 

Following the discussions, the meeting was adjourned.

2017 Board Members are:

Max Roe
Betty Shaw
Sharon Eichmann
John Hedge
Jane Stevenson
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