Country Village Homeowners Association

Latest News

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

April 2017 Board Minutes

Minutes – April 10, 2017

Attendees:                      Sharon Eichmann, Max Roe, Betty Shaw, Jane Stevenson
Absent:                            John Hedge
PSG:                                 Larry Edwards, Susan Keene
Homeowners Present:  Veronica Coleman, Steve Linson, Kathy Messer, Jim and Margaret Vernon, Loma Chan

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Max Roe.

First order of business was the minutes.  Betty Shaw Motioned to accept minutes, Sharon Eichmann seconded motion.  Minutes will be posted for the February meeting.  There was no board meeting in March.

Next Board meeting will be May 8th at 7:00pm at the Harrison.

Issues regarding 7932 Sunfield Court.  A certified letter was sent to inform property owner there are activities at this property that are in violation of city ordinances.

Still having issues with pets on Stillmeadow.  Owners are in violation of Covenants and Restrictions, By-Laws and city ordinances by allow animals to run freely.  PETS NEED TO BE ON A LEASH.  OWNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE TO CLEAN UP AFTER PETS.

8009 Sunfield being prepped for painting.

1st lawn treatment was done, no flags were put out!  Gutters need cleaning.

Financials will not be reviewed in the general session until the false and incorrect information ceases.  False and incorrect information is being published in an NON-Board meeting as well as posted on an unofficial web page.  The board is not hiding anything.  Someone is falsely stating information and does not understand a financial statement.

Veronica Coleman asked who was going to respond to the email she sent asking for minutes to February meeting.  Jane Stevenson explained the minutes to February had not been posted as there was no meeting in March and the board had not approved the minutes.  These were just approved in this meeting and will be posted tomorrow.  Ms. Colman then asked who would respond to her email.  Jane Stevenson responded, I just did!

The general session was adjourned at 7:45.

Jane Stevenson, Recording Secretary
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