Country Village Homeowners Association

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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

2015 Annual Meeting Minutes

Annual Meeting Minutes
November 9, 2015

The annual meeting of the Country Village Homeowners Association was called to order at 7:05 by presiding President Max Roe.

A quorum was established by attendees and by proxy forms.

Max Roe reviewed the proposed 2015 budgets.  There were 4 options presented.  The first option was a standard budget.  Options 2 through 4 included costs associated with reviewing of the financials to include a review, a compilation or an audit.  Homeowner, John Hughes, a CPA, offered an explanation of all three processes.

The monthly maintenance fee will be $151.00 for 2016 from $140.00.  This increase is roughly 7.9% which equals $11.06. 

Candidates for the Board of Directors for the 2016 term were individually introduced and each gave a brief talk about themselves and what they offered the community. 

Ballots were distributed for members present to vote on the budget options and board of director candidates.   It was explained that if you are present at a meeting, you must use the ballot handed out and not vote by proxy form.  Proxy forms are for Homeowners not present.

Ballots were gathered and the counting process was completed.

The members voted to maintain a standard budget.

2016 Board Members are:

Max Roe
Betty Shaw
Sharon Eichmann
John Hughes
Jane Stevenson
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