Country Village Homeowners Association

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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

April 2016 Board Minutes

Minutes – April 11, 2016

Attendees:                      Sharon Eichmann, Max Roe, Betty Shaw, Jane Stevenson
Absent:                            John Hedge
PSG:                                  Larry Edwards, Susan Keene
Homeowners Present:  Veronica Coleman, Jim and Margaret Vernon and Steve Linson
                                          Loma Chan, Kathy Messer, Forrest McClure, Karen Crowe

The meeting was called to order at 6:45 pm at the Harrison by Board President, Max Roe.  

Susan Keene reviewed the financials.   Jane Stevenson motioned to accept financial information as presented and was seconded by Betty Shaw.

Nationwide has reviewed our insurance policy and will renew the policy for another year.

Max and Larry to do a walk around to identify the most urgent tree work to be done and establish a priority.  We will receive an update in May.

Shackleford to do work on the chimney at 8019 Sunfield.

Mowing will be done on either Wednesday or Thursday this year.

Financials for 2015 were reviewed by Kathy Messer, Steve Linson, Anita Henderson with guidance from John Hughes.  Kathy Messer wrote a letter dated March 23, 2016 stating “to the best of our ability after reviewing the expenses and bills for year 2015, we found no discrepancies.  Management provided all items that were necessary to do our review”.  Said letter is on file with the Board Secretary.

The floor was open to discussion:

Loma Chan requested a copy of the by-laws.  We were informed they have been returned from the recorder’s office and will be prepared for distribution.  The by-laws will be hand delivered to all homeowners in occupancy and mailed via certified mail to absentee homeowners.  Jane Stevenson will meet with Susan Keene to prepare the documents for delivery.  Once they have been delivered, they will be posted on the web site.  Homeowners are encouraged to review these by-laws with a mindset they have been updated to reflect the current governing laws that pertain to Planned Unit Development communities. 

Forrest McClure questioned information regarding driveway easements. 

Mark your calendar for November 14th, 2016 for the Annual Meeting.  Location to be determined.

This concluded the general meeting at 7:20, Max thanked those homeowners present for their interest and attendance.
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