Country Village Homeowners Association

Latest News

Friday, December 28, 2018

2019 Country Village Meeting Dates

The Board meeting dates for 2019 are: January 14, March 11, May 13, July 8, September 9. Annual meeting tentative date is November 11. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

November 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes

Annual Meeting
Minutes – November 12, 2018

Attendees:                      Sharon Eichmann, Max Roe, Betty Shaw, Jane Stevenson
PSG:                                  Larry Edwards, Susan Keene

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Max Roe.

Presiding President, Max Roe introduce the board member, Sharon Eichmann, Jane Stevenson and Betty Shaw.  John Hedge is ill and not present.

Jane Stevenson, Secretary, read the minutes from the November 13, 2017 annual meeting. 
Max Roe asked if there were any comments or questions to the Secretaries report.  None were noted.  Homeowner Barbara Kaiser motioned to accept the minutes as read, Kendra Meeks seconded the motion.  Motion was approved by members present.

Jane Stevenson read the Treasurer’s on behalf of John Hedge,

Total Assets:                            Checking account    $41,440.70
                                                   Savings Account      $50.12
                                                   Reserve                     $47,780.24
                                                   Maintenance Fees  $900.21
                                                          TOTAL                  $90,171.27

Capital:                                     Net Worth                  $76,243.44
                                                   YTD Income               $13,927.83
                                                           TOTAL                 $90,171.27

No one presented their name to run for the board.  Jane Stevenson and John Hedge have served for 3 years and their positions were up for election.  Both have agreed to remain as board members as there was no opposition.

The Budget for 2019 does not necessitate an increase in the monthly fee of $160.00.  Therefore, no vote is needed.  There will be 4 buildings for repair and painting in 2019.  Also, a new lawn services will be taking over in 2019.  There will be a newsletter out the first of the year and specifics about both will be in the newsletter.

Questions were raised about tree work.  Max indicated there are several trees that need to be removed as they are causing considerable damage to concrete surfaces. 

Leaves will hopefully be cleaned up before Thanksgiving.

Doggie Waste Stations that were discussed at the last annual meeting were further investigated and the board evaluated in January.  It was decided that the installation of waste stations was not practical.  You can’t make people take responsibility.

Max Welcomed new Homeowners Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Stillmeadow.

No further questions or comments were made.  Jane Stevenson motioned to adjourn and Sharon Eichmann seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.
Jane Stevenson, Recording Secretary

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

September 2018 Board Minutes

Minutes – September 10, 2018

Attendees:                                    Sharon Eichmann, Max Roe, Betty Shaw, Jane Stevenson,
Absent:                                          John Hedge
PSG:                                               Larry Edwards, Susan Keene
Homeowners:                              Kathy Messer, Steve Linson, Marcia Williams, Pat Alexander

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Max Roe. 

Financials were presented by Susan Keene.    Susan stated Invoice CV18-0624 from June, that lists two properties, 212 and 214 Andrews have been corrected to the proper community.  Sharon Eichmann made a motion to accept, Betty Shaw Seconded the motions.  So Moved.

Max welcomed new homeowner Marcia Williams.

We are seeking bids for lawn services and snow removal.

No further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Annual Meeting is November 12, 2018 at the Eastern Club House at 7:00pm.

Jane Stevenson, Recording Secretary

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

July 2018 Board Minutes

Minutes – July 9, 2018

Attendees:                                     Sharon Eichmann, Max Roe, Betty Shaw, Jane Stevenson,
Absent:                                             John Hedge
PSG:                                                     Larry Edwards, Susan Keene
Homeowners:                              Kathy Messer, Jim Vernon, Steve Linson, Veronica Coleman

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Max Roe. 

Financials were presented by Susan Keene.  Jane Stevenson asked a couple of questions.  Invoice CV18-0604 does not document the property that was being serviced by PSG.  Susan stated it was not provided.  This needs to be corrected.  Invoice CV18-0624 lists two properties, 212 and 214 Andrews.  These are not CV properties.  Susan will investigate.  Max Roe asked about Gutter issues at 3159 Stillmeadow.  Larry reported a gutter company was contacted to investigate and make repairs.  Item is resolved.  No further questions, Sharon Eichmann made a motion to accept, Betty Shaw Seconded the motions.  So Moved.

Issues with noise at 7932 Sunfield.  Homeowners are directed to contact the Mayors Action Line to report this issue.  Seems work is being done in a garage starting after dark and going on for several hours.  This is in violation of noise ordinances for Marion County.

Larry reported that buildings are being prepared for painting. 

Jane asked if we will be working on Budget for 2019 at the September Meeting.  Susan stated she did not see any increases.  This led to a discussion regarding the numerous occurrences and cost of the trash pick ups throughout the community and the dump fees.  We are close to the budgeted amount.  Susan and Larry both pointed out this is the busiest time of the year with buildings being prepared for painting.  Did not see it was on-going.  Jane then stated that the mowing crew did not seem to be living up to the contract.  There was much discussion at which time Larry agreed to contact the company and express our concerns.  This is a one-year contract so we may be looking for a new lawn service.

No further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.

Next meeting will be held on September 10, 2018 at 7:00 pm at the Harrision.

Jane Stevenson, Recording Secretary

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

August 2018 Financials



   Indiana Members CU Checking

   Indiana Members CU Savings


     Indiana Members CU Money Market  $47,716.36


     Maintenance Fees



   Net Worth

   YTD Income


Outstanding Checks:

2018 Budget  


   Maintenance Fees

   Actual Deposits:












   Deck Structure

   Deck Flooring





   Step Repair

   Step Replacement

   Street Lights

   Common Area



     Limb/Trash Pick-up

     Vegetation Control




   Leaf Removal


   Shrub Trimming

   Tree Trimming

   Tree Removal

   Snow Removal












Wednesday, June 6, 2018

May 2018 Board Minutes

Minutes – May 14, 2018

Attendees:                                     Sharon Eichmann, Max Roe, Betty Shaw, Jane Stevenson,
Absent:                                           John Hedge
PSG:                                                Larry Edwards, Susan Keene

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Max Roe. 

Country Village Homeowners Association board of directors conducted a closed meeting on May 14, 2018.  This was communicated to Homeowners on May 4, 2018 via the web site.  We thank you for your understanding.  The closed meeting was for the purpose of discussing Accounts Receivable collections.

Jane Stevenson, Recording Secretary

Friday, May 4, 2018

May Meeting

Attention Owners: The upcoming meeting on May 14th will be a closed meeting due to sensitive information the Board needs to discuss. Financials will be posted later this month.

Country Village
Board of Directors

Friday, April 20, 2018

Financial Review

Jane Stevenson
7935 Piney Wood Court
Indianapolis, IN 46214

                                                                                                                                    April 4, 2018
To:    Max Roe, President CVHOA
         Betty Shaw, Vice President CVHOAat
         John Hedge, Member
         Sharon Eichmann, Member

CC:    Susan Keene, Property Services Group
         Larry Edwards, Property Services Group

On March 9, 2018, I took three homeowners to Property Services Group to review the financial records for the year 2017.  The homeowners were:  Jim Vernon, Steve Linson, and Kendra Meeks.  John Hedge joined us at the offices.

John oversaw the task while each of us reviewed files.  The following comments and concerns were noted:

1.Each monthly file included the ledger sheet documenting the checks that were written, a copy of the invoices and associated checks, a balance sheet and monthly budget recap.  Bank Statements were missing from the earlier months.  Corrective action recommended, bank statements are to be included in the monthly file.
2. Payments made to Creditors such as Menards do not indicate the properties materials were purchased for.  The materials are broken down by a specific account such as decks, builds, etc, but no property identified.   Corrective action recommended, document associated properties with goods purchased.
3.There were a couple of incidents where a check was written to a business for goods, i.g. Sherwin Williams with no invoice attached.  Corrective action recommended, A copy of any invoice paid out of Country Village funds needs to be attached to a check in file.
4.It was noted by both Steve Linson and Jim Vernon there are several checks written for legal fees as a result of one particular Homeowner.  This raised a concern regarding the amount of money this homeowner has cost our community.

Everything was sufficiently accounted for and questions were researched and answered promptly.  Thank you for trusting me to coordinate the homeowners participation and being a part of this financial review.


Jane Stevenson, Secretary/Treasurer, CVHOA

Tuesday, April 17, 2018


NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF COUNTRY VILLAGE: If you observe something that needs to be brought to the attention of legal authorities call 911 for emergency situations. For non-emergency events residents with cell phones should call 311. Residents using land-lines should dial 317-327-3811 to report a non-emergency event.

Calling PSG only lengthens the authorities response time

March 2018 Board Minutes

Minutes – March 12, 2018

Attendees:                      Sharon Eichmann, Max Roe, Betty Shaw, Jane Stevenson,
Absent:                            John Hedge
PSG:                                  Larry Edwards, Susan Keene
Homeowners Present:  Veronica Coleman, Jim Vernon, Steve Linson, Kathy Messer

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Max Roe.

Max asked for comments regarding January Minutes, none were raised, motion to carry made by Betty and seconded by Sharon.

Susan reviewed the financial for February, Max asked for questions or comments, none raised, motion to carry made by Jane and seconded by Sharon.

Old Business
Max confirmed with Larry that we were in contract for painting.
We are in contract with Growing Image for lawn services, leaf removal and snow removal.
Financial Committee reviewed the 2017 financial records.  Jane Stevenson, Jim Vernon, Kendra Meetz and Steve Linson reviewed the files with guidance from John Hedge.  Jane to prepare a recap.

New Business

Homeowner, Karen Crowe requested the Sweet Gum tree at her property be removed.  Estimate was obtained and a letter sent to Ms. Crowe explained her portion of the cost.  Letter was sent via Return Receipt mail and was not accepted by Homeowner.  Tree removal canceled.

Homeowner, Alan Rusnak installed an awning on the building to shade his patio door.  A letter was sent via Return Receipt mail stating the awning needs to be removed and necessary repairs to the building done by the homeowner.  The letter explained these types of awning are not approved.  Awning has been removed.  Larry was asked to review the building for condition.

Illegally Parked cars continue to be an issue.  Please file a complaint with the Mayor’s Action Center (317) 327-4622 to report.

The date and time of the next meeting will be May 14, 2018 at7:00 pm.

No further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40.

Jane Stevenson, Recording Secretary

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

January 2018 Board Minutes

Minutes – January 8, 2018

Attendees:                      Sharon Eichmann, Max Roe, Betty Shaw, Jane Stevenson, John Hedge
PSG:                                  Larry Edwards, Susan Keene
Homeowners Present:  Veronica Coleman, Loma Chan

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Max Roe.

Sharon nominated Max Roe as president, seconded by Jane
Sharon nominated Betty Shaw as vice president, seconded by John
Betty nominated Jane as secretary, seconded by Sharon,
John stepped down as treasurer, Sharon motioned Jane also be treasurer. 

Election of officers, Max Roe – President, Betty Shaw – Vice President, Jane Stevenson – Secretary/Treasurer, John Hedge and Sharon Eichmann members.

Financial report:  Susan Keene reported that our new financial Institution being a credit union provides a better interest rate.

September Minutes and Annual Meeting Minutes had been distributed to the board prior to the board meeting.  Jane Stevenson motioned to accept minutes, Sharon Eichmann seconded motion.  All approved.  Minutes will be posted to the web site this week.

Pet Waste Stations – further investigations with other communities indicate that installation of such waste stations would not likely cure the problem.  If people are not responsible enough to take care of their pet waste as a general practice, the waste stations won’t cure the problem.  Jane Stevenson moved to abandon the project, motion was seconded by Sharon, Eichmann.

Painting bids were reviewed.  Sharon motioned to accept Elite Pro Painters as the painting company for this calendar year, John Hedge accepted the motion.

Lawn service contracts has been submitted.  The services include mowing, fertilizing, leaf removal, shrub trimming and snow removal.  Considerable discussion was given regarding per hour rates.  Larry Edwards stated he believed we could convince the company to provide a more specific rate for each service.  We will award a one-year contract to Growing Image.  Sharon motioned to accept Growing Image, John Hedge seconded the motion.

Solar Panels.  One homeowner had requested he be allowed to install solar panels for his property.  Given the age of our units and space constraints, this is not a practical environment for Country Village.  The request was denied.

Parking:  Max is still working on modifications to the parking within the community.  There are more and more vehicles parked outside of owner’s garages and driveways.  This is causing a lot of concern and issues on some of the narrower streets.  This can impact emergency vehicles access to a resident in need and can impact snow plowing.  PLEASE PARK YOUR VEHICLES ON YOUR DRIVEWAY OR IN YOUR GARAGE. 
Financial Committee to review the 2017 financial records has been planned.  John Hedge and Jane Stevenson will accompany the homeowners in their review.  John will coordinate the date and time. 

During the executive session, the board voted to meet every other month.  The date and time of the next meeting will be March 12, 2018.

No further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25.

Jane Stevenson, Recording Secretary

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

2017 Anuual Meeting Minutes

Annual Meeting Minutes
November 13, 2017

The annual meeting of the Country Village Homeowners Association was called to order at 7:05 pm by presiding President Max Roe.   Max Roe introduced the board members.

Jane Stevenson read the minutes from the November 14, 2016 annual meeting.  Sharon Eichmann motioned to accept the minutes, Betty Shaw seconded the motion, motion was approved by members present.

Susan Keene, on behalf of John Hedge, reviewed the Year to Date expenses through October 2017.  Max Roe called for a motion to accept.  Jane Stevenson moved to accept financials as read, seconded by Kathy Messer.

The next order of business was the review the 2018 Budget.  There are minimal changes, just a slight reallocation of funds.  There will not be any increase in the Monthly Homeowners Fee for 2018.   Veronica Coleman initiated a Point of Information during the discussion of the financials.

Veronica Coleman did not want to accept the proposed budget until the December Board meeting as she had questions, but she was not prepared to ask the questions at this time.  Max stated there would not be a December Board Meeting, there never has been a December Board Meeting.  As there are no changes that affect members, the budget does not need a vote.

No quorum was established by attendees and or by proxy.   No nominations from members for the two open seats on the board.  Therefore, Max Roe and Sharon Eichmann will remain on the board for another term.  

Doggie Waste Station, Jane Stevenson has done some research on doggie waste stations.  This was discussed among the members and it appears it is desired that we try installing these in the community to assist with the doggie waste issue.  More research is needed and will be done.  This matter will be addressed again in January 2018.

Jane Stevenson thanked the vehicle owners that were parking at the entrance of Piney Wood Court.  She had prepared a note and placed it on the vehicles asking the owners to consider their neighbors request and not park there as it restricts access and emergency vehicles would not be able to access.  She stated that within 24 hours of the posted notice, both vehicles had been removed.

No other business was brought to the floor, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Recording Secretary, Jane Stevenson

2018 Board Members are:

Max Roe      Betty Shaw     Sharon Eichmann    John Hedge         Jane Stevenson