Country Village Homeowners Association

Latest News

Sunday, March 31, 2019

March 2019 Board Minutes

Minutes - March 11, 2019
Board members present:
            Max Roe, Betty Shaw, Sharon Eichmann
Board member absent:
            John Hedge

Representing management:
            Larry Edwards, Susan Keene

Homeowners present:
            Steve Linson, Kathy Messer, Veronica Coleman

Meeting was called to order by Max Roe at 7:07pm.

Approved minutes of the January 14, 2019 Country Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors meeting were read by Max Roe.

Max Roe asked if there were any of the attendees had any neighborhood concerns. Kathy Messer brought up that some of her outgoing mail had been stolen. She knew it was stolen because the mailman had not made his rounds yet and the mail was gone.

Parking problems were brought up and discussed. Vehicles must be in working condition and have valid plates. Known owners will be notified of infractions.

Financial report was given by Susan Keene. Motion was made by Sharon Eichmann and seconded by Betty Shaw to accept.

Tree removal bids have not been completed.

Discussion was held on changing the site of the annual meeting. Speedway Flanner & Buchanan has a nice community building that could be used at no cost to the Association, if the date is open. No action was taken to change locations.

Discussion was held on solar panels. The Association can deny the installation of roof solar panels. The Association can deny the installation of solar panels in other areas if the panels are aesthetically unacceptable.

The street light on Sunfield Court cul-de-sac has been repaired.

Steve Linson was added to the Board of Directors to fill the seat vacated by Jane Stevenson.

With no further business brought forward the open portion of the meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:40pm.

Respectfully submitted by Max Roe

Next Board meeting is scheduled for May 13, 2019 in the theatre room of the Harrison.
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